SBLC issue Top 50 Banks

Our SBLC Trade Program is geared towards the small to medium net worth clients. The SBLC Trade Program is generated by the purchase of a discounted Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) from a World Top 50 Bank and then monetization to create a Non-Recourse fund, this process is repeated over 10 weeks at zero risk to the investor


  • The participation investment for this program is $260K – $500K
  • Cash
  • Individual or corporate entries are accepted.
  • Client sends out fees of 5% of the investment value to Intermediaries by wire transfer within (72) hours upon delivery and confirmation of the Non-Recourse Fund via Swift MT103 in the clients provided Bank account




$260K SBLC Trade Program Expected return $3 Million Dollars

$350K SBLC Trade Program Expected return $15 Million Dollars

$500K SBLC Trade Program Expected return $40 Million Dollars

Duration: 10 weeks

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