Today MC-CapitalPlus LTD™ has mature relationships that accesses the world's top accounting, architecture, banking, construction, engineering, legal, and operations firms on the planet. MC-CapitalPlus LTD is also highly-experienced at filtering highly-fake documents/people/plans claiming to be real and/or competent from supposedly credible people posing as:
It is not uncommon... for MC-CapitalPlus LTD to receive submissions that contain fake/fraudulent documents/principals/stuff. The Internet is currently highly-polluted with absolutely fake/fraudulent bank documents, fake principals, and fake/clueless/weak-thinking brokers that are so, so intensely focused on/hungry for their fees that they can't see the often obvious clues that the documents they want everybody to respect yet are obviously fake to anybody that has been around this industry for any respectable amount of time.
MC-CapitalPlus LTD reserves the right to highlight, speak the truth, and to highly-scrutinize as well as perform FULL due diligence on the authenticity of any bank, website, and/or KYC document submitted as credible.
There is a long list of key elements that often flag a document as not real/fraudulent. This page is not designed to highlight and/or provide free education to anybody on these common toxic details but rather to warn those lazy minds bringing toxic details that they've come to the wrong place to try to find success with that absolutely typically toxic/stupid mentality unless you are prepared to argue with the results of a digital calculator.
Just some of the critical/quality elements that MC-CapitalPlus LTD will scrutinize documents with:
MC-CapitalPlus LTD has developed significant experience that the average typical bullshit architect/attorney/builder/engineer/intermediary/signatory... probably is not even on the same page with mentally. Feel free to present any intelligent evidence to the contrary.
MC-CapitalPlus LTD highly encourages the use of top accounting and law firms as well as blockchain signatory services such as Docusign and Adobe Sign that top global corporations use everyday... rather than how most brokers/clueless principals think how multi-million/billion dollar deals actually close.
Notice these lists of potentially fake firms and individuals: SIC CODES: 64999 FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED
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